Bromley Theatre Guild

Bromley Theatre Guild provides a central point of contact and support for the member societies in the London Borough of Bromley.

Bromley Little Theatre

Bromley Little Theatre

BTG Rep. Pauline Armour
Our vibrant 113-seat theatre was established in 1938 on its present site which was converted from an old Victorian bakery. Click here to watch Pat Jones take you on a tour of our theatre.
We present a full-length play every month (apart from August when our youth group puts on its own show) and an ‘In The Bar’ show every couple of months.
Chelsfield Players

Chelsfield Players

BTG Rep. Cynthia Hearing
The Chelsfield Players produce three productions per year and on five occasions have taken their summer production to the Edinburgh Fringe. They rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Village Hall, Chelsfield, or in venues nearby.
We welcome people who wish to act or to help backstage.
Farnborough Dramatic Society

Farnborough Dramatic Society

Farnborough Dramatic Society (FDS) is a very friendly and well-established amateur dramatic group located in Farnborough Village, Kent.
We meet Tuesday evenings 8-10pm at Farnborough Village Hall.
Our yearly season starts late-August/early-September and runs through to late-May, during which we stage an Autumn, Winter and late-Spring production.


Imperial Players

Imperial Players

We are a friendly local drama group based in Chislehurst since 1965. We rehearse on Monday and Thursday.
We put on a mixture of full-length plays, murder mysteries and evenings of two 1-act plays.
Matchbox Theatre

Matchbox Theatre

BTG Rep. Tim Pearce
The Matchbox Theatre is a small amateur dramatics society based in West Wickham, Kent.
We were established in 1981.
Most of our productions are based in the church hall of St. Francis of Assisi, Ravenswood Avenue.
Pratts Bottom Dramatic Society

Pratts Bottom Dramatic Society

Pratts Bottom Dramatic Society (PBDS) has been in existence for over 50 years with the first production taking place in 1953. Two of the original members are still taking an active part and have seen many people pass through the society. Our range of productions vary and includes comedy, drama, revues, pantomimes, murder mysteries and supper evenings with entertainment.


Theatre 62

Theatre 62

BTG Rep. Christine Lever
We’re a studio-based community theatre group based in West Wickham (near Bromley) in south-east London.
We produce five shows throughout the year.
Our address: Corkscrew Hill, West Wickham, BR4 9BA.