The Annual Full Length Play Festival runs from February to June each year. Each play is adjudicated with a final adjudication towards the end of June.
The Festival will be a single round and open to any member society of the Bromley Theatre Guild. One entry only will be accepted from each member society.
Entries will be adjudicated between March and May by one Adjudicator. A Final Adjudication will be held at the end of the Festival at which results will be announced and awards presented (see appendix). The marks awarded by the Adjudicator to each entry will be published (see Rule 7).
The adjudicator’s fee and travelling expenses will be paid by the Bromley Theatre Guild.
An entry fee of £50 will be payable before the commencement of the Festival.
No one shall receive payment for participation in any capacity in any competing production.
Entries may comprise any number of Acts but must be of at least one hour and thirty minutes duration in performance, excluding intervals. One mark will be deducted from the total awarded for each period of three minutes or part thereof below that duration. The Guild Officer appointed to attend the production, not the Adjudicator, will be responsible for timing the performance.
Marks will be awarded by the Adjudicator as follows: Acting 40 Direction 35 Stage Presentation 15 Dramatic Achievement 10 Total 100 At the close of each performance, there will be an oral adjudication, which must be in public. The Adjudicator will subsequently meet the competing team privately for discussion if desired. Societies requiring written adjudications must make advance applications directly to the Adjudicator and pay the appropriate fee. The Adjudicator’s decisions in respect of marks and awards will be final. In the event of a performance being cancelled, withdrawn or postponed, two-thirds of the Adjudicator’s fee will be payable by the society concerned, unless 28 days’ notice has been given to the Festival Organiser. Entry fees are normally non-refundable.
Each competing society must forward one copy of their entry, in the version to be performed, directly to the Adjudicator no less than three weeks before the date of performance.
The awards to be presented are listed in the appendix to these Rules. These remain the property of Bromley Theatre Guild and must be returned to the Festival Organiser before the commencement of the following year’s Festival. The winners of individual awards will each be presented with a certificate and a replica trophy or shield. Certificates will also be presented to two runners-up for each award.
The Adjudicators’ contact details will be provided to each competing society, who should make arrangements directly with the adjudicator for travel directions, reception and provision of refreshments if required. The adjudicator must be provided with a small table and reading light for use during the performance, with an unrestricted central view of the stage. An officer of the Bromley Theatre Guild will attend each adjudicated performance and two seats should be made available, adjacent or close to the Adjudicator’s seat, for his or her use. Societies should include in their programme the fact that the play is entered in the Bromley Theatre Guild Full-length Play Festival and the Adjudicator’s name and qualifications.
Applications for an adjudication date, whether the play has been decided upon or not, should be made to the Festival Organiser as early as possible, but in any case not later than the 31st of December.
No alteration or amendment to these Rules may be made except at a General Meeting of the Bromley Theatre Guild.